The Silver Surfers Initiative VIA Program



Research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for a variety of physical and mental conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and even death.


There is a lie that we have been conditioned to believe, that as a person ages, their bodies will weaken,  their lives will become less meaningful and they will have less fulfillment .

 Many of our seniors feel isolated and lost in our digital age. They feel that time has passed them by and while the world is moving at  the speed of tech, they feel isolated and lost in this digital age.  Physical isolation leads to a lack of mental stimuli and physical activity, which leads them to become  more frail, alive but without the spark for life.

We started the Silver Surfers Initiative because we believe that we can help our parents and grandparents age well an continue to live happy, active, independent and fulfilled lives as they get older. 

We use technology to create a safe space online specifically for seniors . We produce daily  programming, with an exercise component as well as  a variety of other programs specifically for our seniors.  There are modules that help them learn new skills , to navigate the digital world safely or even  use technology to help get them from place to place .

We also also have senior specific activities and contests that incentivize them to learn, engage and engage the community 






Help the seniors in your life remain relevant and continue to thrive in the digital age


Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to make a difference in the life of one or more of the seniors in your life as part of your VIA project. It is easy to participate! There are only 3 steps.

Meet Your grandparent

Arrange for a time when you have at least half a day to hang out with your grandparent and plan fun things to do.

Hang out and go through the activities together

Meet your grandparent and hang out, while doing so, go through the activities you need to do to get them connected.

Write a report

At the end of the day, after fulfilling the criteria, write a short report of what you learnt from the experience.

Thats all!

What can seniors expect from the Silver Surfers Program?

Get Healthy

Our popular daily exercise program is targeted at helping seniors get mobile and healthier.

Get Connected

We help seniors get online and access content, helping them keep up with news and watch content.

Learn Digital Skills

Seniors learn to use devices, helping them communicate with family and enrich their lives with tools.

Stay Engaged

We engage our comunity daily, with contests and quizzes, motivating them to stay engaged with friends.

Regain Confidence

Seniors who learn skills no longer feel isolated and get the confidencethey need to live life to the full.

Become Independent

As seniors get fitter and learn skills they become less dependent and gain confidence to try new things.

Sign up to get your senior aging well and thriving Today!

Just click on the link and we will send you the details and instructions direct to your email address.